Equipment Guidelines

Equipment Safety Guidelines

Safety Starts Here!

Robust Rentals Takes Great Pride In Providing a Friendly And Secure Work Environment With An Emphasis On Equality And Safety

While productivity, cost, and quality are core business values, we will not compromise safety for their sake.

All accidents are preventable and all hazards controllable - All customers are expected to operate Robust Rentals equipment safely with a high degree of alertness to the hazards of the workplace. Everyone is expected to participate in the elimination and control of these hazards and to encourage the safe behavior of others.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility –Robust Rentals role to establish these safety commitments as our highest priority and to communicate safety expectations in a visible and inspiring manner.

Customers will be trained to perform safe equipment operations and maintenance prior to operating or using equipment and or tools.  Customers are required to read and agree to the safety procedures within the operating manual. No one will be permitted to operate or use tools prior to demonstrating that he or she understands and can perform the job safely.  All customers are expected to adhere to these training requirements

Audits are essential for maintaining safety performance – Customers and Robust Rentals will actively observe and involve themselves with the safety performance and behaviors of others to encourage those that are safe and correct those that are unsafe. Safety excellence will be encouraged to further stimulate performance improvements.  Rental items will be inspected, documented, and pictures taken upon rental item return. 

